### Motivation: Why do you think this is important? Being able to access attributes passed to the task decorator (e.g. CPU requests/limits) from within the task definition itself would enable...
### Describe the bug Container Tasks only have access to the default bucket as configured in propeller whereas Python Tasks have access to anything permitted in the IAM role attached...
### Describe the bug Running the following repro code on sandbox produces a docker daemon error. ``` from flytekit import ImageSpec, task, dynamic repro_img = ImageSpec( name="repro", apt_packages=["curl"], packages=["flytekitplugins-envd"], registry="localhost:30000",...
### Describe the bug When using a ContainerTask with a FlyteDirectory in the inputs, no inputs are actually copied to the running container. For example: ``` bt = ContainerTask( name="basic-test",...
A place to capture plugins contributed by the community without the overhead of strict conformance to the rest of flytekit.