Janusz Gregorczyk
Janusz Gregorczyk
+1 I've run into the same unexpected issue with switching sims.
True that, I was aware of this, but if scale could be overriden, just like nevillco said, so that `on: device` would run in `device`'s native scale, overriding it would...
Thank you. I think translation approach makes sense, this should be enough (whether we need to translate something needs more research). > I don't want apps to have to repeat...
> Can you illustrate with an example a situation where having the component follow this logic would result in a problem? 1. Well, for one thing "Ctrl + Cmd +...
> it probably should support apps specifying different shortcuts for different platforms Not sure how complex this can get without making the calls to this component not too complex. I...
Proper ordering of macOS modifier keys is (take from Apple Style Guide https://books.apple.com/us/book/apple-style-guide/id1161855204): Fn (function), Control, Option, Shift, Command