Matthew Piekarski
Matthew Piekarski
Try removing ```-Werror=stringop-truncation``` from GCC flags. That worked for me.
First in values.yaml make sure that `initialize: true` Is set to true. Also, this might or might not help: Add this line to proxy-configmap.yaml under "data" section, `data:` ` zookeeperServers:...
Same issue here with Health ``` use Paws; use Data::Dumper; my $obj = Paws->service('Health',region=>'us-east-1'); my $res = $obj->DescribeAllEvents(); print Dumper($res); Can't locate object method "nextToken" via package "Paws::Health::DescribeEventsResponse" at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Paws/