Prouff Emmanuel
Prouff Emmanuel
The mean accuracy (aka what you refer to "average correct rate") measures the capacity of the model to accurately classify a SINGLE trace/observation. With our models we get between 0.004...
Hi, To precisely answer to your questions, we need more information on the tests that you have performed: which model, with which training/testing parameters against traces with which modification (eg...
Thanks for sharing all the information. For me, your results are quite conform to those reported in the paper (to get better information you should maybe average the results wrt...
For the mention of "lack of overfitting" do you refer to Sect. 3.3.4?
Ok. This section refers to an attack against the MASKED sbox output (meaning that we assume the knowledge of the output mask rout to make the labelling). It is not...
Hi Thank you for sharing this with us. We will discuss your results among us and will come back to you asap. Regards Emmanuel
Hi, We tried to reproduce your results with two different scripts and we didn't got any successful CPA attacks on our ASCAD traces. Please find a notebook script and the...
Hi, Thank you for the updated script. We confirm your results. It seems that your normalization step combine the information of several leakage points in way that reveal information (without...
Hi, Thank you again for sharing your studies with us. We also did some investigations to understand your previous results with the max/min normalization. You can find here-attached a notebook...
Hi again, Thank you for the new investigations. We are going to have a look on them in the coming days and will come back to you asap. Regards, Emmanuel