Provash Shoumma

Results 9 comments of Provash Shoumma

Thanks for pointing out. Yes, MagmaWave is a custom font. I never did any development for iOS with React Native. I actually do not have any mac devices to test...

Hi, I don't don't know if I understand your question correctly. The views (authentication/home) are decided by the authentication state of the user. And the state is preserved by redux.

The component is not compatible with iOS yet.

Hi @ksairi, I really don't have any plan to make the library compatible with iOS. But I'm open to pull requests for sure. Please feel free to make a pull...

Actually, since I don't have any mac to work with, I really didn't want to publish the component for iOS. If an issue arrive for iOS, I won't be able...

Hey man, Thank you. It would be great if you could add the tests. Jest is already in the packages. You can use it to perform the tests.

@gogogous88 could you please provide your repo link so I can make a better look?

@gogogous88 glad that you figured out the issue. 👍

@williamtan2251 works perfectly, thank you! 👌🏼