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Tips for C++ Competitive Programming

Competitive Programming Tips :ninja::dart:

Security Check Release Community

[ :scroll: Templates :scroll: | Compile Example | Usage Example | :page_facing_up: Cheat Sheets :page_facing_up: ]

Try it now in your terminal: bash <(curl -sL bash.propi.dev/cp)


C++ Competitive Programming tips to improve your thinking speed, making your life much easier.

  • You'll be able to quickstart your coding problems.
  • Improving your productivity while solving coding problems by using our templates.
  • Providing a better knowledge access with Cheat Sheets and quick reference material and links.


Coding Problems Template :scroll:

Motivation behind `buildLab.sh`


If you have to do lots of exercise and rewrite every single template, you don't need to do this anymore. With our templates, you can fill a folder with usefull files, perfect for your job.

Filling folder with .cpp, .txt and Makefile :mag_right:

Open the terminal and type:

Current version (Main branch)

bash <(curl -sL bash.propi.dev/cp)

Upcoming version (Develop branch)

bash <(curl -sL bash.propi.dev/upcoming/cp) up

Running and Debugging :man_technologist:

After runned bash script, you can use Makefile to run and debug your coding problems. image2

Example of usage if you want to run, debug, gdb coding problem D:

make run-d        // Run with minimum compile flags 
make debug-d      // Run with a lot of compile flags
make gdb-d        // Run with gdb
make valgrind-d   // Run with valgrind

Template usage

Using standard or complex templates, you can write less for the same solution

image Usage2

Cheat Sheets and References :page_facing_up:

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