Hi my OS is Windows 10 and I open the Scribus document with variables inside then go menu>script>scribus-generator and select the csv and document. Somehow it still mixes the data....
Even on anohter OS like ubuntu, a copied sla and csv file with another scribus generator version this problem is still persistent. somehow the generator sticks to some old version...
I managed to solve the problem. The bug was, that scribus wrote the CSV path into the sla file and even when choosing a new file in the Generator it...
++1 for this feature
Yes multiple hostedZoneIDs would be really nice.
lets go, that would be a dream 🥇
@PeerRich thats how Github Repos work, not all Issues affect every user of the product, but treating self hosted users like second class when just converting them to discussions is...
No I did not send set anything more than is mentioned in ```NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY=pk_... STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY=sk_... STRIPE_CLIENT_ID=ca_... STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET=whsec_...```
Yes +1 for this.
Yes got the same issue on 1.20.0 in docker queue mode now. Executions sometimes sometimes are showing up running forever. Trying to stop them results in: ``` **Problem stopping execution**...