Paula Roigés
Paula Roigés
Hi, any advise? Thanks.
@ThomasEmge no, I haven't do it because I don't know how to contact her. Where can I find fer email? And thank you.
@ThomasEmge Thank you! However, I was using drive time as the impedance before. Where did you ckeck the hierarchy levels option?
Hi @mmorang, I will try to test my network dataset using the Route Network Analyst layer as you propose. Here I attached the network configuration file and the network dataset...
Hi guys @mboeringa @ThomasEmge @mmorang , sorry for not getting back sooner, but I only have access to this computer from Monday to Wednesday. I will check now your answers...
@mboeringa, yes, that's it. I only used the shapefiles as an export format. > @mmorang . The OSM import tools of the ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap create a File Geodatabase...
I have found a solution. I uninstalled and installed again the tools so when I use it, it doesn't give me any issue (even thought it is not 100% accurate)....