Sascha-Oliver Prolić
Sascha-Oliver Prolić
Inotify doesn't work on mac and windows, but I found another alternative here: []( that I adjusted to laravel-s: ``` let fs = require('fs') let chokidar = require('chokidar') let colors...
Allow static calls to Guid::uuid4() and others see Maybe that's not the very best approach, but it should do the trick.
`echo get_class(Ramsey\Uuid\Guid\Guid::uuid4());` will return `Ramsey\Uuid\Rfc4122\UuidV4`. I didn't expect this behavior at all.
## To Reproduce... ``` $factory = new UuidFactory(new FeatureSet(true)); $guid = $factory->uuid4(); $hex= $guid->getHex(); ``` Throws: ``` Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: The byte string received does not contain a valid version ```
I hope this is possible.
**What language does this apply to?** PHP **Describe the problem you are trying to solve.** I need the PHP extension to be thread-safe in order to use it in a...
- Require PHP 8.1 - make use of Fibers - require amp v3
Allow parsing / code generation of events without an aggregate id, this can than be used outside the scope of event sourcing.