Łukasz Prokulski

Results 2 issues of Łukasz Prokulski

> rstudioapi::addTheme("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patrickshox/Mojave-Dark-RStudio-Theme/master/Mojave%20Dark.rstheme", apply=TRUE, force=TRUE) trying URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patrickshox/Mojave-Dark-RStudio-Theme/master/Mojave%20Dark.rstheme' Content type 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' length 53061 bytes (51 KB) ================================================== downloaded 51 KB Error: Function addTheme not found in RStudio RStudio version 1.1.463...

It is possible to add rendering images in cell? For example I put in cell string like "![](picture.png)" and in table I get this image. Workaround for Latex is here...