ember-caluma copied to clipboard
Ember.js addons for Caluma
When building forms and questions, the namespace is taken into account during slug validation. This ensures that the combined length of the namespace (if existent) and slug never exceeds the...
[Showcase of bug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30687616/193222286-e72ae30f-dec7-46b3-9c3d-389f5d11ceca.webm) There seems to be a bug when reordering the 2nd last question to the last place. The 2nd last question will be duplicated if its dragged to...
[Screencast from 10.08.2022 13:49:40.webm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30687616/183894083-b92c8cf3-bacd-4e45-a4c4-959709c21e3a.webm) Video of the problem ``` { "model": "caluma_form.question", "pk": "antrag-infrastruktur-antrag", "fields": { "created_at": "2021-09-01T09:05:12.412Z", "modified_at": "2022-07-20T08:04:30.965Z", "created_by_user": "214d4b40-d545-40c5-b216-f22bcd207090", "created_by_group": "admin", "modified_by_user": "785989df-253a-435d-9ff7-cda635bee6ff", "modified_by_group": "admin", "label": "{\"de\":...
In the overview of all forms we should think about implementing some kind of "tree view". Forms can be nested so there should be a way to see this the...
During manual testing for https://github.com/projectcaluma/caluma/pull/1425, I discovered an issue where ember-caluma would end up in an infinite loop with the following GraphQL query: ```graphql query getFileAnswerInfo($id: ID!) { node(id: $id)...
We should put a MimeType filter in place (front end) to make only certain file types selectable. _Originally posted by @czosel in https://github.com/projectcaluma/ember-caluma/pull/2040#discussion_r915519909_
If the whole text of a markdown field is selected and then backspace or delete is pressed, then nothing happens with the selected content. This only occurs when the **whole...
The validation messages in the form builder are not being translated
For number fields, it would be better UX to display separators, e.g. `1'000'000.00`. Implementation choices are - format the number on focus out, remove the formatting on focus - pull...