jSensors copied to clipboard
No Output
@profesorfalken I include all .jar files and try to run example code which is
List<Cpu> cpus = components.cpus; if (cpus != null) { for (final Cpu cpu : cpus) { System.out.println("Found CPU component: " + cpu.name); if (cpu.sensors != null) { System.out.println("Sensors: ");
//Print temperatures List<Temperature> temps = cpu.sensors.temperatures; for (final Temperature temp : temps) { System.out.println(temp.name + ": " + temp.value + " C"); } //Print fan speed List<Fan> fans = cpu.sensors.fans; for (final Fan fan : fans) { System.out.println(fan.name + ": " + fan.value + " RPM"); } } } }
cpus.size() getting 0; But there is no ouput also there is no error.
I'm getting the same issue. Both cpu and gpu lists are empty.
May you please specify what is your system? Windows? Linux? Are you executing it in a desktop, a laptop, a Virtual Machine?
It would be easier to analyse if you can provide some debug information. Could you just launch the JAR as standalone application and post here the produced output?:
java -jar [jSensorsFILENAME].jar --debug
same. the value from java -jar [jSensorsFILENAME].jar --debug is
no main manifest attribute, in .\jSensors-2.0.2.jar