jSensors copied to clipboard
I cant see nothing
I execute this: `Components components = JSensors.get.components();
List<Cpu> cpus = components.cpus;
if (cpus != null) {
for (final Cpu cpu : cpus) {
System.out.println("Found CPU component: " + cpu.name);
if (cpu.sensors != null) {
System.out.println("Sensors: ");
//Print temperatures
List<Temperature> temps = cpu.sensors.temperatures;
for (final Temperature temp : temps) {
System.out.println(temp.name + ": " + temp.value + " C");
//Print fan speed
List<Fan> fans = cpu.sensors.fans;
for (final Fan fan : fans) {
System.out.println(fan.name + ": " + fan.value + " RPM");
and i take this:
[main] INFO com.profesorfalken.jsensors.manager.unix.UnixSensorsManager - Cannot find library in system, using embedded one [main] ERROR com.profesorfalken.jsensors.manager.unix.UnixSensorsManager - Cannot initialize sensors
I use Debian 11.