Dmitry Dmitriev
Dmitry Dmitriev
related to #2546
could be tricky. We need a gazetteer with shape files
I also want alternative values on geographic areas: #2506
I would like just have an option to put few alternative values on the name. Like Formosa = Taiwan, Ceyloy = Sri Lanka
I would like this to be explicit, but optional. It is related to the other issue, I would like see which brunches of the tree has keys available.
Yes, corrected...
I think, I know what is the problem, I selected today's date as the end date, and todays records are not displayed in the statistics.
It would also nice to display they work time (Start time and End time) in local time, and not in UTC.
pushed changes to add current session. But still in UTC. Not sure if it is difficult to convert the results to local browser time.
This should be implemented as a an index of soft_validation across the project, not as individual filter, we have many other issues picked by soft_validation, which could be useful for...