Pete R Jemian
Pete R Jemian
With databroker 2.0 coming, there will be a new format for catalogs. We'll need some conversion tools from the old format to the new ones. ## intake: databroker 1.2.5 and...
APS users have seen presentations involving bluesky plans that appear to change scan parameters as they are encountered, such as this [demo]( of the bluesky adaptive plan. Create a notebook...
While testing databroker 2.0.0a22 today, the import failed due to older databroker internals. (attn @danielballan) ```python In [2]: from tiled.client import from_uri ...: c = from_uri("") In [3]: from databroker.queries...
Add support for [VMAS slits]( in EPICS Optics repo.
The `input_plan.request_input()` plan expects input from the user. Testing will require additional support to simulate the user's responses. _Originally posted by @prjemian in
Provide a way to show the peak fit statistics (cen, com, FWHM) on the LivePlot
Tested the NeXus files in the *Higher Dimensional Data* tutorial for validation to the NeXus standard and found one consistent ERROR using the [punx]( program. ``` (bluesky_2020_5) jemian@wow ~/.../Bluesky/nexus_data $...
This file ends with `The asynMotorAxis base class defines the following methods:` but no further text is provided. View as HTML: View as raw: View as content:
To support real-time updates by visualization tools such as PyMCA, the `SpecWriterCallback` should write data to the file when each event document is received. Other document types may also write...