Priyananda Shenoy
Priyananda Shenoy
This code in `common/string_helpers.cpp` treats a line with just spaces or tabs as empty ```cc static constexpr llvm::StringRef HorizontalWhitespaceChars = " \t"; auto ParseBlockStringLiteral(llvm::StringRef source, const int hashtag_num) -> ErrorOr...
I can take a stab at this. Rough outline: Parser: - Generalize `IntTypeLiteral` to `NumericTypeLiteral(size)`. Propagate both the basetype and size. Interpreter: - Add new Value kinds `NumericalType` and `NumericalValue`...
> Instead adding FloatTypeLiteral and UnsignedIntTypeLiteral might be simpler (not guaranteed though; I'm not looking deeply). Makes sense, I'll start with adding size to `IntTypeLiteral` and (as you said, templates...