Princiya Marina Sequeira
Princiya Marina Sequeira
Issue #202 Launch Lightbeam web-extension and click the `VR` button [below gif] to see Lightbeam in VR.  @jonathanKingston @cvan @caseyyee let me know...
This is an initial attempt to improve the graph's performance for large no. of nodes. Issue #232 The idea in this PR is to off-load the heavy force layout computations...
PR #164 increases the graph display area by giving it `position: absolute`. The graph is now centred the `body` element. [Here]( When the graph is resized, there is the...
At this point, we have a testing environment setup which isn't very useful, instead it might be a blocker for potential contributors because of its following nature?  When we have the site info for the...
STR: - In lightbeam.js, storeChild.onUpdate() add a console.statement  - Reset Lightbeam - Open - When the graph is loaded, one each thirdParty...
The current implementation of tests mocks the whole store object. A proposed change is to have the tests use the actual store object and mock only the browser storage api...