Patrick Riley
Patrick Riley
+1 i would think rn-carousel-control should not be required to address this bug. Will update after fix.
hey @bebraw - thanks again for this wonderful library. I believe it is slowly becoming dated though, and we have started taking in some of the source of this project...
This project has become extremely dated and is starting to heavily conflict with other React/ Create-React-App dependencies (webpack-dev-server being one of them). Also Gatsby is several versions behind... Is there...
I am actually considering porting out all MDX out of any libraries/projects along with any Docz references at this point.
Thanks @atanasster - this is exactly what I am looking for... Would also love to be able to move things forward towards Create React App 4.0 soon and not lose...
Hello ;) I actually did a presentation on this at All Things Open this year... See the deployment section for step by step notes with Travis: I use a...
amazing work here and in the additional PRs started @sean-perkins 🎉 . thank you ❤️ I actually have many similar design requests from the Auth0/Okta API docs design team and...
hey @sean-perkins, just wanted to quickly share a few updates here on our end that I think may help this PR. One gap i've noted in our specs here is...
fwiw, i have fully swizzled `Layout` now and injected MUI into a lot of this, so i'd probably need to allow swizzling of these templates if we ever open source...
+1 for supporting a passed ref