Kaijian Laurent Law

Results 18 comments of Kaijian Laurent Law

> 你在研究这个? 不是研究吧... 估计是被吓到偶然发现的

> yarn dev能启动起来么 只能得到以下的错误提示 > (electron) The default value of app.allowRendererProcessReuse is deprecated, it is currently "false". It will change to be "true" in Electron 9. For more information please...

Ya, got it but only for YouTube. In distance, To a user or channel, Fill in their user ID or channel ID at star place http://youcast.cloudapp.net:80/FeedService/GetUserFeed?userId=***&encoding=Audio&maxLength=0&isPopular=False To a playlist on...

Do you wanna update to high Sierra, uninstall the installed extension, and try to re-install again. Wikiwand did do not gain the latest cert. from Apple, so it is unable...

Even if the new user, hold the offline extension files, but also, unable to install on new Mac.

Here is the corpse if you find interested for. [wikiwand.safariextz.zip](https://github.com/learn-anything/safari-extensions/files/1916949/wikiwand.safariextz.zip)

I have written to them, since 2017, and now, 2018 alry, I dun believe they will do anything...

It is okay, still work for me, since I can use, chrome or firefox, but so sad for safari which won't cause any overheat.

Besides, most from your wonderlist has been wasted, since there is no any further update after High Sierra, except the open source one, such as, ``` https://github.com/fantattitude/refined-github-safari ``` A/w, it...

??? 都用macOS了, 直接用Electron或是Nativefier封装成app呗