Michael V. Coppola

Results 10 issues of Michael V. Coppola

It would be great if you could specify in config.json the server ID(s) and channel ID(s) for the bot to monitor to keep larger servers clean. If a command is...

good first issue

Minecraft version: 1.10.2 Mod pack: FTB Beyond v1.1.0 Dynmap version: DynmapForge v2.4 Dynmap instance: http://prenetic.com:8123/ As the title states, when players are exploring map tiles are not reliably rendering upon...

Bug Report
Render Issues

I have noticed the M851 response only confirms/applies the value given for the Z offset, and ignores the values specified for X and Y. Since the ADVi3pp firmware does already...


I may be mistaken, but it seems this solution only allows/looks for one particular service name and fails if it is not detected. It would be great if there were...

Windows Server 2022 21H2 Node.js 18.15.0 Yarn 1.22.19 discord-soundbot 3.0.0 With my current installation, as well as a fresh copy of the 3.0.0 release .zip, I receive the error `Cannot...

This goes back to the [original feature request (60)](https://github.com/TediCross/TediCross/issues/60). Currently, Discord join/part messages are being relayed, however depending on the Discord server's configuration they may be inaccurate. For example, if...


When running the organizer with alphabetized folders disabled, `check_if_orgdir_directories_are_missing` appears to be invoked regardless and as a result signals `Some ORGDIR directories are missing.` and rebuilds the entire `_Organized` folder...

- https://github.com/theypsilon/_arcade-organizer/issues/64

Requesting the capability to individually configure speed ranges for different wind sources. The current implementation is applied to every wind source. This would be useful when presenting adjusted wind speeds...

When displaying three or more windspeed scales, rendering issues are present. 1. The third wind speed source is partially cut off, and as a result is missing the text underneath...