preact-render-to-string icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
preact-render-to-string copied to clipboard

:page_facing_up: Universal rendering for Preact: render JSX and Preact components to HTML.

Results 53 preact-render-to-string issues
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## Background I'm new to both 'preact' and 'preact-render-to-string' (and htm) and was surprised to find the contents of my `script` tag were automatically being entity encoded, which unfortunately _**breaks**_...

Hello there! I'm currently working on an e-commerce platform using Preact as our trusty rendering framework, and we've been relying on preact-render-to-string for server-side rendering (SSR) of our websites. Everything's...

In `preact/debug` we have [a branch for detecting invalid children]( being passed to a `vnode`: ```tsx vnode._children.forEach(child => { if (typeof child === 'object' && child && child.type === undefined)...


```jsx import { render, h,options, Fragment} from "preact" import renderToString from "preact-render-to-string" const oldDiff = options.__b; options.__b = (vnode) => { if (vnode.type === Fragment) { console.log(vnode.type === Fragment ?...

**Changes** - Updates against current master - Polyfills mask as we stopped setting that explicitly without useId invocations **Preact** I use a build of Preact with comments enabled for the...

Hi, Firstly, thank you for the great project. In this PR, I've implemented the escaping of a single quote (0x27) to `'`. This modification will prevent the potential execution of...

**Issue:** When using `renderToString(vdom, {}, { pretty: true })`, text nodes that normally do not have whitespace between it and its siblings are rendered on a newline, which can create...

This removes the text VNode casting from #257, as we're now handling this difference internally in `preact/debug` (preactjs/preact#3801). I'm only seeing a 1% performance improvement as a result of this...