preact-render-to-string copied to clipboard
renderToString with {pretty: true} causes undesirable newlines with text nodes
When using renderToString(vdom, {}, { pretty: true })
, text nodes that normally do not have whitespace between it and its siblings are rendered on a newline, which can create undesirable whitespace issues.
Minimal sample project with the issue:
Sample code:
/** @jsx h */
import { h } from 'preact';
import renderToString from 'preact-render-to-string';
function Text() {
return (
Lorem ipsum <a>click me</a>. Dolor sit amet.
const html = renderToString(<Text />, {}, { pretty: true });
console.log output:
Lorem ipsum
<a>click me</a>
. Dolor sit amet.
Proposed resolution:
When there is no explicit whitespace between a text node and its sibling, the pretty renderer should keep the output on the same line. For the example above, I'd expect an output of:
Lorem ipsum
<a>click me</a>. Dolor sit amet.
Yeah, same thing happened to me. The browser ended up interpreting some regular text with spaces around it.