Praveen T

Results 32 comments of Praveen T

@cuducos I have never used rebase on command line. I believe I have messed it up. Please squash the commits and merge if all changes are ok.

@cuducos I believe there is a major flaw that I was not thinking about that is exposed by example: `parse { base | thousandSeparator = ",", negativePrefix = "-" }...

@cuducos Update on this. I have a first working version of code but, it is ugly. I am re-factoring the same. Will create a PR once it is done.

There is a website live to track daily rt estimates for US. They have opensourced the Jupyter book they are using to arrive at these values. This can...

I am not an statistics expert but, wanted to add what is being done in US. If anyone takes up that would be great. There is a data set at...

Can someone from project kind of map-out how this can be executed? While my knowledge of statistics is poor, I am very good at figuring out languages and getting things...

ok. I will start model from @seabbs. I will let you know if you I run into any issues that I encounter.

@gauravbgp Can we not get this integrated with covid19india website? Ideally in state page.

@jeremyphilemon Thanks for the reply. The current state is that @gauravbgp has implemented model from which he has built a site for India []( @seabbs belongs to a team...

@seabbs @gauravbgp looks like there is a model update from []( on 23rd April.