same issue
getting below error message when i enabled jetifier. this is stooping the work. earliest help would be appreciated. Execution failed for task ':app:preDebugBuild'. > Could not resolve all files for...
okay. will try and share
receiving below error on page load: Unhandled Promise rejection: AngularJS v1.x is not loaded! ; Zone: ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Error: AngularJS v1.x is not loaded! when ignoring this...
@dhanarajp thanks for sharing. i was able to get it responsive but still couldnt get to use it mobile because: up on choosing my textbox both mobile keyboard and this...
@dhanarajp text input readonly works fine to not to get the native keyboard but how do you get the string entered? we dont have a handler in Keyboard for keypressed...
@dhanarajp i want to use virtual keyboard for entering a string in to textbox field. problem is : 1. if we make field dont make field read-only both native and...
@dhanarajp your approach helped me.. thanks a lot.. will share the code once it is completed.
@dhanarajp , i am managing responsiveness this way: ``` mat-keyboard-container { min-width: 100% !important; padding: unset !important; position: absolute !important; bottom: 0% !important; } mat-keyboard-container mat-keyboard-key .mat-keyboard-key{ //padding: unset !important;...
even LTR has the issue in horizontal, iOS also facing this. I am on RN 0.62