Praveen Ranjan
Praveen Ranjan
As per this library mapTypeControlOptions is boolean `mapTypeControlOptions: PropTypes.bool` But as pe google map documentation mapTypeControlOptions should be an object. mapTypeControlOptions: { style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU, mapTypeIds: ['roadmap', 'terrain'] }...
Hi, Did you get any solution?
I wrote a method that returns only one item from the list at a time. Used state to check and reset if list reach to last element. See my solution...
> I hope, you are familiar with the new Hooks API. I would strongly recommend to use it, because it makes things much easier. Here is the explanation of the...
NoT really sure how to use this ticker if I have array of items that should appear as soon as the previous one has disappeared. It would be great if...