Prathap Badavath
Prathap Badavath
> What version of Android are you running? Are you using the USB or NFC interface on the mobile device? If using NFC, do you know if the Yubikey supports...
Thanks @ankit-psk . 1. I am using Google's FIDO2 API 2. I checked in browser it's working, but while using Android native application getting connection error.
> Have you compared your code to Google's [sample app]( with their FIDO2 API? There is also [another app]( that claims to be using Google's FIDO2 APIs - you should...
1. /*** log: /postfido2/log ***/ [200] Fri May 28 2021 08:31:27 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) /login [200] Fri May 28 2021 08:31:27 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) /styles/fonts.css [200] Fri May...
> Hi @prathapcoder, Could you take a look at the property in your /usr/local/strongkey/skce/etc/ file? The value of that property should be changed in the entrypoint script, but if...
> Hi @prathapcoder, > > In [lines 61-70 of the entrypoint script](, these values should be set in a newly created /usr/local/strongkey/skce/etc/ Try adding some prints in your entrypoint and...
> Hi @prathapcoder, > > You can find the dependency"fido2mds-4.4.0.jar" when extracting the distirbution [fido2server-v4.4.3-dist.tgz]( and in the unzipped fidoserver.ear's lib/ directory. how to add **fido2mds-4.4..0.jar** file in local maven...
> Hi @prathapcoder, > > Running: > > ``` > mvn install:install-file "-Dfile=fido2mds-4.4.0.jar" "-DgroupId=com.strongkey" "-DartifactId=fido2mds" "-Dversion=4.4.0" "-Dpackaging=jar" "-DgeneratePom=true" > ``` > > should add fido2mds-4.4.0.jar to your local maven repository....