
Results 14 issues of prasenforu

When I am deleting PVC in namespace () its throwing PV resource instead of PVC, & namespace coming empty. Seems its a BUG ``` [root@minio-nfs ~]# oc get pvc -n...


Not sure its supported or not but I tried to add below two resource in config file but not working. - clusterrole - serviceaccount ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata:...

Not an issue but insecure option should be added if only "TOKEN" is used. otherwise every command run we will get following error .. ``` /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request...

Nice project !! Any webhook sink is available ?

Help wanted: First of all I want to say thank you for this tool. I am using harbor with clair. I have downloaded following two images from docker. ```


Nice project!! Taking long time to make application ready. I am using in kubernetes, if you setup configure your "k8s-deployment.yaml" with kubernetes ```readiness``` probe then it will be good.

I want to capture strings from Prometheus logs and send as a metric to Prometheus. Prometheus logs as as below .. ``` level=info ts=2018-12-13T01:22:34.889490476Z caller=main.go:491 msg="Server is ready to receive...


Nice project !! want to run shell script, can I ? How to prepare configuration file?

First of all I want say thanks for nice blog ( I am using kubrnetes 1.6.4 with RBAC. using ELK of your ELK and filebeat. all running fine, but not...

I am using kubernetes 1.6.0 using kubeadm. Is the any yml for setting up contrail network on Kubernetes environment?