Yes I have left out the `view` property. But the major issue here is that the ads show up overlapping the topmost view as you have mentioned in the docs...
Agreed.. That would lead to better UX as well as better ad will also make it possible to show ads in specific locations as I mentioned in this [issue...
Is there any temporary way to over come this issue? Perhaps fiddling with some z-index property (No idea id there is any such thing just shooting in the dark here)....
Another thing that I want to mention is that the issue mentioned only shows up when using `` But if you are using `` every thing works fine. But using...
Following this
yes getting this as well. With test and live ids. This happens with both banner and interstitials.
@ratson This happens when newer versions of cordova-android version is above 6.2.3. Adding platform as `ionic cordova plaform add [email protected]` works.
Hope the `adExtras: {npa: 1}` is added as an option to the plugin @ratson
A thing to note here is that it seems that the npa parameter is not the final solution. The following is mentioned in the docs > If non-personalized ads are...
did you find out how to check if ads are personalized or not @gartorware @wo-github