- Pranjali Seth - I can commit to working on this issue 12 hours in the following week. - Yes, I will provide an update on my progress with a...
I have gathered the data set, analyzed and tried experimenting with a few EDA cleaning tasks
I worked for 6 hours the last week, here's the update - The data set in itself is very less informative and it is hard to find any trends with...
I read several articles on the Los Angeles Evictions rules and laws before, during and post Covid-19 pandemic to get insights about the background information. Collected the Fair Market Rent(FMR)...
So far, I have gathered meta data (FMR, Population) to add to the original eviction data set. I have merged the metadata and did its exploratory data analysis along with...
Provided all findings in the CoP meeting today. I will next be working on documentation for the issue checklist.
Working on the documentation. Completed some part of it so far. Also will be working on creating the presentation soon.
Uploading the google drive links for data sets and code
Google drive link -
Data and Metadata Sources - [](