Pranish Shrestha
Pranish Shrestha
> You can use Android MediaMuxer class to copy all H264 and AAC stream into MP4 file without any reencoding. Do something like that. > > ``` > @Override >...
Yes I also would like to access the `showBorder` and `showIcons` attributes programatically
Hello has this compression feature been added?
> No. > I think that VLC doesn't support record in Android. Anyway you can ask in VLC forums: > > > This proyect only compile VLC for Android...
> You haven't access to audio so you need modify VLC library to get it. You can capture video but it is difficult and you need modify all my library...
So you mean I should use the exoplayer library?
> You can try that way too Finally after trying different techniques for a week, I am finally successful in achieving my goal. I was able to stream and record...
> Has anyone managed to implement this? I don't understand what to put for videoTrackFormat and audioTrackFormat in the sample code provided by @alexeyvasilyev You can use vlc's free github...