Hi, Did you find any solution?
Im also having same issue, it works only on this project. Doesnt work on newly created project. Im getting black texture
Im using their example scene in my project, it has render target. Still it doesnt work
Hi, I have found a fix for this issue. Reason for crash was in `` ```java @Override public void onResults(Bundle results) { ArrayList text = results.getStringArrayList(SpeechRecognizer.RESULTS_RECOGNITION); /// For some reason...
Please check for temporary fix
Please check for temporary fix
Please check for temporary fix
I'm still getting the same issue. No apps to perform this action. Device Tested : Google Pixel 6a ```` private string[] allowedImageTypes = { "png"}; private void OnImageSelectionClicked() { NativeFilePicker.PickFile(OnModelPicked,...
@yasirkula Thanks for the reply. this works, but not able to pick fbx files, Getting same warning "No apps can perform this action"
Thanks :) this works only on Android, any alternative for iOS?