As you can tell, I'm a long ways from a programmer. Could you tell me where in the code those lines are?
1687 results in 88 files......may take awhile
Below is starting from line 3431 of main.cpp Doesn't look like wifi commands? static bool connected = false ; // Connected to host or not if ( xQueueReceive ( radioqueue,...
I did not modify the wifi code but had a strange development. I noticed that the softAP of the ESP32 was operating from channel 1. So I locked my Internet...
Oh wow! I was using the old version! OK, I'll dive into version 2 and see how it goes. Thanks for the quick reply!
Making progress, and nvs.h is what I intended, fat fingers. But I'm still not finding nvs.h or the standard Espressif library using the Manage Library search.
During verify, I get an error, nvs.h: No such file
Thank you! I did find esp-idf-master that contains nvs.h but the Arduino IDE throws an error stating no .h files exist. I did look at Platformio, but it looks pretty...
I'm headed off to work today but will try this evening. Thank you for your efforts so far. Your support is appreciated.
Making slow progress. Started Arduino IDE and tried a compile again. This time the verify went past nvs.h but is now stopped on ESPAsyncWebserver.h with an error claiming no such...