
Results 15 issues of prahjister

How do i use slcrunch. I am trying to calibrate webcam. I grabbed 5 scans and varried monitor position. ``` prahjister@amlogic:~/sltk-master/~/completed_scans/Calib4.23.18/scan_0000$ slcrunch sequence.yaml PREFIX FOR OUTPUT : [sequence.yaml] outMapPath sequence.yaml.yaml...


How is it going. Seeing if there are any updates to this project

Hey, Just following up to see how it is going. FYI I used xming to remotely start the app on the arm box.

Howdy. Getting this when i go to test it may be due to your refactoring. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 19, in from OSC import...

Do you want me to ship you one of these boxes to develop on?

FYI i re imaged my box and started over sltk compiles perfectly. I tried both mjpg streamers and doesnt compile Yours has this error....Getting closer ``` In file included from...


I am guessing that i need to find camera lens intrinsics first I am trying to follow process All compiled apps are running on the arm box I first started...


I get these errors hovering over turn less turn more less scan and more scan java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: processing.core.PVector.set(FFF)V at controlP5.Tooltip.activate(Unknown Source) at controlP5.Controller.setMouseOver(Unknown Source) at controlP5.Controller.updateEvents(Unknown Source) at controlP5.ControllerGroup.updateEvents(Unknown Source) at...


I know this is a lot of work. Do you think that I should ask for some help? I feel like we are so close.


Do you want me to work on the turntable...if so what hardware do you have?
