
Results 34 comments of prahjister

Fantastic news. I will get to testing here. What all is broken?

I know this is off topic but after messing with alignment in mesh lab. Your ply tools look very interesting. But how do you set the noise threshold and does...

NM I forgot about pyosc `1524274290.514607 : frame# 4452 (0.035 late) (0.033 dt = 30fps) ( 173776 B) ( 173181 B avg) ( 594 B diff) show_dt = 0.000; show_dtavg...

![image]( Making progress

GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Corrected time zone on arm box and set ip adress from to

How do I know if slcapture is running properly?

``` prahjister@amlogic:~/sltk-master$ make sldisp g++ -lstdc++ sldisp.cpp util.cpp -o bin/sldisp `sdl2-config --static-libs --cflags` `pkg-config --libs --cflags liblo` -lGL -lGLU -lglut sldisp.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’: sldisp.cpp:673:35: error: ‘SERVER_CONTROL_ADDRESS’ was...

hmm that seems like a lot of code. I might take a stab at it. it doesnt look like you are using software serial connection to communicate?

Check this out Came with ciclops I'm reviewing. All in one board with stepper driver and uno

fyi this is how i start the stream `sudo ./mjpg_streamer -i "./" -o "./" `