Using payload's event_type variable From manual testing, payload looks like: ``` { "iss": "", "aud": "", "iat": "", "exp": "", "event_id": "", "event_type": "beforeCreate", "user_agent": "", "ip_address": "", "locale": "",...
Since `PasskeyInfo` is only enrolled via client SDK for the users and we can only GET enrolled passkeys, integration testing is not possible here. Manually tested ``` getAuth().getUser().then((user) => console.log(user.passkeyInfo));...
No integration tests. Manually tested input ``` const users = [ { uid: '3456', email: '[email protected]', emailVerified:true, multiFactor: { enrolledFactors: [ { uid: 'enrolledSecondFactor1', phoneNumber: '+16505557348', displayName: "Spouse's phone number",...
TOTP Support for Project and Tenant RELEASE NOTES: Added `TOTP` as a multi-factor option in project and tenant configuration.