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vim-lsp copied to clipboard

async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim

Results 95 vim-lsp issues
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Hi, I occurred a weird error, call `:LspDocumentDiagnostics` and get unexpected lsp servers(**typescript-language-server/bash-language-server**) in my ruby files ![image]( I haven't found a step to reproduce the error stably, but usually...

The echo message should not be truncated, Just show the message. When truncated ![WX20231010-141635@2x]( When show the full message ![WX20231010-142100@2x](

Running: intelephense: running VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled Mar 23 2023 11:08:11) ``` Error detected while processing function 76_debounceTimeTimerCallback[1]..76_tapSourceCallback[4]..76_tapSourceCallback[1]..38[1]..83_set_highlights[10]..83_place_highlights: line 59: E684: List index out of...

## Bug description When creating a new java file with vim (or nvim), the `eclipse-jdt-ls` server starts running but nothing happens. I am using the `ddc.vim` plugin for auto-completion and...

I use `set foldlevelstart=0` in `.vimrc` to have all folds closed whenever I open new files. As a result, after jumping to a definition in an unopened file with `:LspDefinition`,...

When I use the option `g:lsp_use_native_client = 1` in vim I get frequent error-messages in my editor such as this: ``` Error detected while processing function 159_native_out_cb[7]..131_on_request[19]..131_send_response[4]..lsp#client#send_response: line 8: E475:...

I use the recommand plugin Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp' Plug 'mattn/vim-lsp-settings' install pylsp-all and everything just work fine, pylsp auto work with mine project venv environment,\ and than i gd into a...


Executing `:colorscheme ` or `:hi clear` breaks the highlighting. Reloading `.vimrc` or reloading the plugin doesn't help, and the only way to bring highlighting back is to restart Vim.

The hover window currently stays open when one is switching to a new buffer. In a new buffer cursor motion will not close it, one has to go back to...


Hello. When I popup completion menu and select item, completion documentation is showed. Then I hit ``, completion menu were disposed, but completion documentation still remains. ```vim call plug#begin()...
