Results 6 comments of Prabhu Teja

Sure., You can add me (@prabhuteja12) @florianmai as contributors. There seem to have been some checks failed. Should I send another pull request fixing them?

Hi, I accidentally made a few changes to my rep and it resulted in an update to the pull request. I think i've fixed the accidental errors induced.

You can try changing the line and corresponding lines in the other two files. You should remove the "reversed" in the for loop. This might help.

I'm facing the same issue where it hangs at "Enabling DeepSpeed FP16." It is happening at random, and I'm unable to pin-point any one factor that is causing it.

I think I understand when this happens. When a previous training run crashes and for some reason doesn't kill the python processes, then subsequent runs hang. Solution seems to be...

`nvidia-smi` doesn't show the processes but `ps-ef | grep python` shows those processes for me.