Results 17 issues of prRZ5F4LXZ

I am trying to test CDLENGULFING. Can anybody provide a data set so that CDLENGULFING can return 1? I have the following code, but I only see CDLENGULFING returning 0....

I am trying to read the C source code of HAMMER. I understand the general idea of what is a HAMMER. But it is not clear how specifically it is... I don't find the detailed doc of the above functions. For example, how is `CDLHAMMER` computed?

**Which version are you running? The lastest version is Github. Pip is for major releases.** NA **Upgrade.** NA **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** NA **Describe...

help wanted

``` boofuzz/ 7:RESULTS_DIR = "boofuzz-results" ``` I see "boofuzz-results" is hard-code in the source code. Is there a way to specify where to save the file?

good first issue

I got the following warning. Why is it so? Can this warning be fixed? ``` >>> import pandas as pd >>> from ta import add_all_ta_features >>> df = pd.read_csv('datas.csv', sep=',')...

I am trying to follow the example under "Open a tab in Chromium using remote debugging" on But it does not work. ``` $ /Applications/ --remote-debugging-port=9222 DevTools listening on...

Is there a way to download split history from tdameritrade? I don't see it availble. If not, is there any alternative source that offers this information?

I want to let httr print debug messages (e.g., the request sent and the request received). But I don't find such an option. In python-requests, the way is like this....

I am trying to following the example. But I failed. ``` /tmp/pkg-config-0.26$ CC=gclang ./configure --with-internal-glib ... checking for pkg-config... pkg-config configure: error: pkg-config and glib-2.0 not found, please set GLIB_CFLAGS...