We run large scale optimisation problems using Cvxpy + Mosek regularly. One of our optimisation problems yielded `problem status` and `solution status` as [Unknown](https://docs.mosek.com/latest/capi/accessing-solution.html#:~:text=unknown%20%E2%80%94%20the%20solver%20was%20unable%20to%20reach%20a%20conclusion%2C%20most%20likely%20due%20to%20numerical%20issues.), and Cvxpy returned solver error for...
**Describe the bug** We are using Gurobi solver via Cvxpy. We have subscribed to Gurobi Cloud instance and have multiple Gurobi pools. We want to specify target Gurobi pool using...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Our large-scale optimization problems sometimes get numerical instable. So, we want to repair those optimization problem, but we do not...