Pavel P

Results 43 issues of Pavel P

If you have no income, but only ISO exercised the calculator gives you $0 as the tax, even if you book millions of paper profit.

Looks like encoder/decoder performance are the main issues of flif. As it was inspired by ffv1, is it common enough with ffv1 to be implemented using libavcodec to get all...

These are the errors: ``` 1>bitutil.h(193,31): warning C4391: 'uint16_t _mm_cvtsi128_si16(__m128i)': incorrect return type for intrinsic function, expected 'short' (compiling source file ..\..\bitpack.c) 1>bitutil.h(193,60): error C2169: '_mm_cvtsi128_si16': intrinsic function, cannot be...

After updating to latest mio I'm getting linker errors all over the place. I didn't have these with older mio. These are the linker errors: ``` 3>common.lib(compressed_reader.obj) : error LNK2005:...

It should be quite obvious for first time users to see some simplest APIs (to compress/uncompress buffer without dealing with any file io). Strangely, lizard has links to file format,...

see where? .. has to be a link to that page

Otherwise, any project that already uses openssl won't be able to use this libwebrtc, since two openssl versions will produce link errors. On top of that clean/rebuild absolutely has to...

I'm using some ancient version of boost.test (perhaps 1.58), however, by looking at the latest code I think latest version has the same issue. Boost.test captures c++ exceptions as well...
