Ruipeng Zhang

Results 73 comments of Ruipeng Zhang

@GanZhiXiong 如何实现第三部中的“打开md文件”? 首先,如果是在浏览器中打开文件,那么由于浏览器的安全限制无法通过文件的本地地址直接读取文件。 其次,如果是调用系统中已安装的文字编辑器,那么浏览器如何得知用户操作系统中安装了那些编辑器?如果编辑器没有注册URL handler来打开本地文件的话,则无法实现打开文件这个功能。 另外,如果说是通过HTTP API的方式调用Node.js来打开文件,那么用户的电脑上还需要一直运行一个HTTP Server用来处理文件打开的请求。这么做同样不合理。 最后,同样由于浏览器的安全限制,网页无法得知用户本地文件系统中的文件是否存在。

In what way do you suppose Icarus should use this plugin?

@ee- Docs have been updated to warn users about this issue. Previously recorded IP addresses also have been purged from the LeanCloud. Valine was configured to disable IP recording so...

@shark-oxi Actually I manually editted these themes using Sublime Text. There is no such conversion tool. :smile: But pull request is always welcome if you update some of these themes.

@shark-oxi Because I supposed Stylus cannot compile pure css files......