would you like to change the value? table.setValue('D1', 'newvalue')
Sorry, we are going to include a fix for the method. Meanwhile, this would be the best way to change the object properties. Changing for type text: table.options.cells['D1'].type = 'text';...
If you are setting a new one you should define the whole property: table.options.cells['D1'] = { type:'text' } table.options.cells['D1'] = { type:'dropdown', source:['Apple','Pears'] };
We will make sure to include a method to do that automatically, for now: table.records[0][0].element.classList.add('jexcel_dropdown'); // 0,0 means A1 where y,x table.records[0][3].element.classList.add('jexcel_dropdown'); // 0,3 means D1 where y,x table.records[1][4].element.classList.add('jexcel_dropdown'); //...
I will add that to the wish list for future releases.
This will be fix in the next release. thanks
This will be considered for future releases.
Depending on what you would like to change. There are a few options. For example setHeaders, setWidth, and some other attributes you can change.
You don't have that on the CE distribution. As a workaround, you can try to manipulate the DOM. basically, yourInstance.thead will contain the DOM elements references.
Sorry, this is not possible in the current version. I will leave this as a suggestion for future releases.