Peng Peidong

Results 7 issues of Peng Peidong

I want to subscribe multi topics with a standalone consumer. Does it seem like both Reader and Conn don‘t support this situation?

> // Next returns the next element based on the given node. // Next will loop around to the first node, if you call it on the last! as the...

I am making an English Document, when I exported to PDF, I found that the email was added a hyperlink. Could I move the super link ?

版本信息: ks: 3.0.0-beta.1 kafka 2.6.2 (aws-msk) 用的是 aws 的 kafka, 现在遇到 jmx 端口问题,aws 那边实际对外开放的端口是11001,但 zookeeper 里面拿到 broker 信息的 jmx_port 是 9099。发现即使 我在ks接入集群是填写 jmx port 为 11001 还是会被覆盖成 9099。 请问 jmx...

I make a same stupid error many times. the error is like the code below ```go a := decimal.NewFromString("123") b := decimal.NewFromString("345") a.Sub(b) // wanted: a = a.Sub(b) ``` I...

I am using jetstream pull subscription to fetch messages, I found some messages lost. I think the [code]( below may cause the problem. ```python future: asyncio.Future[Msg] = asyncio.Future() async def...

From Register/MustRegister method, we can known defaultCode.C should be 0, so I think maybe it should keep the same rule.