John Law

Results 7 issues of John Law

We have a lot of `is_prime` (or similar) functions:,, [data_structures/hashing/number_theory/prime_numbers](, etc. Shall we use one common function for that exactly identical `is_prime` calculation (which takes `O(sqrt(n))`)? Candidates include:...

help wanted
good first issue

In our [Contributing Guidelines]( > Algorithms in this repo should not be how-to examples for existing Python packages. Instead, they should perform internal calculations or manipulations to convert input values...

help wanted

Inside `index.js` of the sandbox on, line 71 should be removed.

Hi. I think we can separate blacklisted words, say `bannedWord.txt` from `watch.js` and read in when needed. Then this can be further forked as other filters as well. Related PR's...

The issue is initially discussed on Discord. This issue is for future tracking and notes. This may be a bug or it may not. The issue can be reproduced by...

We may need to re-think the design of this option on how each of these options should be supported. - [ ] Enhancement on basic options, e.g. types / defaults...

Hi. I found that on the materials are missing and thus nobody can download them from the website. The link points to here. Related issue fossasia/