@transitive-bullshit is the patch merged into main branch? The issue still persists and I can't find anything like ```typescript if (language === 'c++') language = 'cpp' ``` in [`code.tsx`](https://github.com/NotionX/react-notion-x/blob/e1f03de6100f2cd33c146eb1c5e67ec4d4afe522/packages/react-notion-x/src/third-party/code.tsx#L31). According...
I think tasks would be even better and more useful if we can chain some together, i.e., one depends on another, similar to VS Code's `dependsOn` property. Here's [how it...
Hi @araza95, thank you for your interest. #### Steps to Reproduce 1. Duplicate the [Notion template](https://transitive-bs.notion.site/Next-js-Notion-Starter-Kit-Template-7875426197cf461698809def95960ebf) 2. Change the `Published` field of one of the posts to `February 1, 2024`...
> How do we patch this manually? Maybe you can fork react-notion-x, update its package.json, and add that fork as a dependency? This repository contains [5 packages](https://github.com/NotionX/react-notion-x/tree/master/packages), and I couldn't...