Po-Wei Chou
Po-Wei Chou
I tried to run `examples/simple.html` but there's no message received from topic `/listener`. I expect something like `Received message on /listener: Hello, World` will show up in the chrome console....
I noticed that you divide the error signal by scale^2 like this (in CNN/cnnbp.m, line 26) ``` ... .* (expand(net.layers{l + 1}.d{j}, [s, s, 1]) / s ^ 2); %...
In `class NNet`, I use `std::vector` to store all the feature transformations. For Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) or other user-defined NN structures, `std::vector` is not enough. A graph container and...
Should check whether `unzip` is installed before using it in `./install-sh`. In ubuntu, use `sudo apt-get install unzip`.