Po-Wei Chou
Po-Wei Chou
Sounds great! Let's change to BSD-3. lol But I'm currently preparing my master defense... it's on Feb. 2
Sure. We definitely need a closer discussion, more C++11 features and to solve the namespace issues. Besides, I consulted Wei-Chao Chen (maybe you know him, who is a former NVIDIA...
Haven't used Travis-CI yet. But looks like a great solution. Does it have to be AWS ? I think the price is exorbitant. We can temporarily use the resources in...
Just temporarily. And I'll see what I can do. :)
I didn't realize that cuDNN need Compute Capability >= 3.0 Sure, we should keep the old one.
I have cuDNN v1 user guide. In CUDNN_Library.pdf, "2.4. Requirements cuDNN supports NVIDIA GPUs of compute capability 3.0 and higher and requires an NVIDIA Driver compatible with CUDA Toolkit 6.5."...
That's a great idea. I'll remove them and add a namespace in the next release.
Sorry for the late reply. It's looks really great !! BTW, mind if I ask what does **CFG** means in `CFG_WGET` ? (is **CFG** for config? )
In `rand(out + 1, in + 1)`, the first `+1` is for biases in this layer, and second `+1` is reserved for **+1** in the next layer. ( [x, 1]...
Hi, @MnO2 , I pulled it locally and found that commit `a89e004` is actually recursively `make clean` instead of recursively `make`. So when user type `make` after `./configure`, they'll get...