Pouya Eghbali

Results 23 comments of Pouya Eghbali

There are a few changes in the way the language works, I'm working on them, as soon as it's finished I'm going to do a better documentation. I cannot do...

The current documentation generator we use isn't free anymore, but I still find it the nicest. I believe there's still a free version, however I don't know what kind of...

`autobahn` is really nice, but it's huge. What we need is pub/sub and some basic RPC. Probably, in the future, host should support several backends/transports, for example if someone wants...

I made an entire RPC stack for the new Clio. It has concepts like Transports, Executors, Workers, Clients, Servers, Dispatcher and etc. It's a modular design, the Dispatcher acts as...

Afaik, LLVM can compile to JavaScript / WASM, and native binaries / machine code. Should we probably discuss targeting LLVM and moving away from node.js?

Hi, thanks for reporting! I will work on this as a part of the next release!

The anonymous functions need some work, I'll address this issue in the next release. The implicit anonymous functions are useful in cases like ``` arr -> .filter (@it % 2)...

Personally, I'm not a fan of long anonymous functions, looking at a function it should be obvious what the function does. A good read on this topic can be found...

@Merlin04 for now, this works: https://playground.clio-lang.org/?code=thing%20%3D%20(0..5%20-%3E%20.toArray%20-%3E%20*%20(%40item%20*%20%40m)%20%40m%20-%3E%20console.log)%0A%0Aexport%20fn%20main%3A%0A%20%20thing%2010%0A%20%20thing%2020 it passes the outer param to the inner anonymous function

I added multiline + nested comments in the new version, syntax is a little bit different: ``` +- @doc # This function converts x to y Lorem ipsum [Markdown links!](https://foo.bar/)...