I'm having the same issue upgrading docker from 19 to 20. @kaisark How do you get libnvidia-container-tools_0.9.0_beta.1_arm64.deb ? nvidia's sdkmanager does not allow to choose package version. I added `https://nvidia.githib.io/libnvidia-container/stable/ubuntu18.04/$(ARCH)`...
Thank you @elezar, but the packages defined in the Jetpack SDK are buggy. All works fine with docker 19, but then when do an `apt update && apt upgrade`, docker...
> Did the `apt update && apt upgrade` also change the versions of `libnvidia-container-tools`, `nvidia-container-runtime`, `nvidia-container-toolkit`, and `nvidia-docker2`? Which versions are currently installed? I dont know. I first tried with...
> As @elezar mentioned, for jetson you need to be using the packages from `https://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/common`. The packages from `https://nvidia.githib.io/libnvidia-container` will _not_ work. Dont worry I fully undertood, I was just...
Hi, I am experiencing that bug. The GPS is correctly obtained, based through other apps. I disconnected the remote controller from internet to be sure that the position used is...