Infinity levels of nesting, yes. Never done a pull request before. Would it be easier if you just made the changes and commit from your account?
Thanks! That's very kind. But my Create Pull Request button is greyed out, and I'm too busy right now to work it out. So if you won't mind, I'm happy...
@ericadams no, I never ended uploading the geojson file. The data in the other WOF files together with other sources we used proved sufficient. I have since left the project.
We got this yesterday. Local = Linux, Remote = Windows 7
What do you suggest @jhchen?
+1 If node-pool and then node-postgres (which is built on top of it) would implement a connection TTL or `maxLifespanTime` as @subeeshcbabu calls it, it will solve my problem over...
@sandfox no, that destroys connections that have been _idle_ for the specified time. I'm talking about destroying them at any point that they become idle after the TTL has expired.
@sandfox yes, sounds great :) May I suggest `timeoutMillis` as the name of the property? I think it helps to "group" that functionality with `idleTimeoutMillis` - since they're very similar,...
Sounds fair to me. :)
Same in Ubuntu 12.04, node v6.2 ``` 0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/bin/node', 1 verbose cli '/usr/local/bin/npm', 1 verbose cli 'install', 1...